Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

442 - Degree in Odontology

29323 - Oral Medicine

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29323 - Oral Medicine
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

Theoretical classes: each topic of the course ends with asking questions in order to promote dialogue and resolve the doubts of students.

Resolution of clinical cases through images with seating pathologies in oral cavity.

Group work related to the subject.

Tutorials: devoted to answer questions or provide specific bibliography of a specific topic in relation to the theoretical and practical contents of the subject.


5.2. Learning tasks

The course is structured:
• participatory Lecture (30 hours)
• Classes resolution of cases (37.5 hours)
• Practical workshops (22.5 hours)

5.3. Syllabus

The program offered to students includes the following activities:


Theoretical Contents

Issue 1: Introduction. The clinical history. Exploration of the oral cavity and appendages.
Issue 2: Complementary explorations: diagnostic imaging techniques. Diagnostic laboratory procedures. Biopsy in oral medicine.
Issue 3: Structure and physiology of the oral mucosa. Elementary lesions.
Issue4: Lesions in the oral cavity produced by physical and chemical agents. Theme 5 bacterial infections of the oral mucosa.
Issue 6: Oral cavity fungal infections. Oral candidiasis.
Issue7: Oral viral infections: herpes simplex. Other viruses herpes, Human Papilloma Virus, Coxsackie virus.
Issue 8: Pigmentation and dark lesions of the oral mucosa.
Issue 9: Oral ulcerative lesions: canker sores and Aphthae.
Issue 10: Injuries vesiculo-Bullous. Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, and Erythema Multiforme.
Issue 11:Oral Lichen Planus and Lichenoid lesions.
Issue 12 :Lupus Erythematosus and other connectivopathies.
Issue 13 :White lesions of the oral cavity: Leukoplakia.
Issue 14 :Lesions and precancerous States of the oral mucosa.
Issue 15: Diagnosis of benign tumors.
Issue 16: Oral Cancer.
Issue 17: Pathology of the lips: developmental disorders. Cheilitis.
Issue 18: Language pathology: Glosopatias not classified. Lingual thyroid.
Issue 19: Diagnostic of disorders of the salivary glands. Xerostomia and salivary hypersecretion.
Issue 20: Sialadenitis. Sialilitiasis. Sjogren's syndrome. Sialoadenosis.
Issue 21: Paget's disease. Fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws. Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
Issue 22: Burning mouth syndrome.                 
Issue 23: Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of halitosis in dentistry.
Issue 24: Dental considerations of hemostasis alterations.
Issue 25: Oral manifestations of hematologic diseases.
Issue 26: Oral manifestations of endocrine diseases.
Issue 27: Dental considerations of renal diseases.
Issue 28: Infection by the human immunodeficiency virus.
Issue 29: Oral implications of cardiovascular diseases. Prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis.
Issue 30: Oral complications from non-surgical treatment of cancer.



Practical content:

There will be resolution of clinical cases classes so students develop skills learned in theoretical classes performing clinical histories, establishing differential diagnosis and arriving at a diagnosis. Of the same will be hands-on workshops to perform a correct clinical history and exploration of the oral cavity.
The program offered to students to assist in achieving the expected results includes the following activities.


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works

The schedule of the course will be assigned by the Faculty appearing updated:



Monday 11hs- 14.30hs
Thursday 16hs-18.30hs




5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Bibliografía básica

  • Medicina bucal práctica / Alejandro Ceballos Salobreña ... [et al.] ; bajo el patrocinio de la Asociación Profesional Gallega de Investigación para la Odontoestomatología (ASOPROGAIO) . 1 Ì?ed. [La Coruña] : Danú, 2000
  • Bascones Martínez, Antonio. Medicina bucal / Antonio Bascones Martínez . 3ª ed. Madrid : Avances médico-dentales ; Barcelona : Ariel, 2004
  • Bagán Sebastián, José Vicente. Medicina bucal / José V. Bagán Sebastián. . Valencia : Medicina Oral, 2008.
  • Guía de bolsillo de enfermedades orales / Scully, Crispian ... [et al.]. Ámsterdam ; Barcelona [etc.] : Elsevier, 2013
  • Bagán Sebastián, José Vicente. Medicina y patología bucal / José V. Bagán Sebastián. Valencia : Medicina Oral SL, 2013
  • Bibliografía complementaria.
  • Medicina bucal. Tomo I, Enfermedades mucocutáneas y de las glándulas salivales / editor, Ambrosio Bermejo Fenoll. . [1Ì?ª ed.], 1Ì? reimp. Madrid : Síntesis, 2000.
  • Medicina bucal. Tomo II, Enfermedades óseas y desórdenes temporomandibulares. Dolor orofacial y manifestaciones orales de enfermedades sistémicas / editor, Ambrosio Bermejo Fenoll. . [1Ì? ed.], 1Ì? reimp. Madrid : Síntesis, 2000.
  • Bascones Martínez, Antonio. Medicina bucal / Antonio Bascones Martínez, Felipe Llanes Menéndez. Madrid : Avances médico-dentales, 1996
  • González Moles, Miguel Ángel. Precáncer y cáncer oral / Miguel Ángel González Moles ; [colaboradores, Miguel Delgado Rodríguez ... et al.]. Madrid : Avances Médico-dentales, 2001
  • Casos clínicos en medicina oral / Sociedad Española de Medicina Oral.. Madrid : Avances Médico-dentales, 2008
  • Cáncer y precáncer oral :bases clínico-quirúrgicas y moleculares / Antonio Bascones...[et al.] Madrid :Avances Médico-Dentales, 2003.
  • Pindborg, J. J.. Atlas de enfermedades de la mucosa oral / Pindborg. J.J . - 4ª ed. totalmente rev. Barcelona ; Madrid [etc.] : Salvat, 1986